THANK YOU for a FABULOUS 50th Year Reunion!
Posted Monday, September 16, 2019 05:03 PM
I wasn't sure where to post this and don't think I can create Announcements. So, here I'm sending out a heartfelt THANK YOU to Andy Krauser, Gene Cohen (and Rudy) Gilbert, Steven Bell, Hilary Eth, Randy Krakower, Robert Brown, and the myriad of volunteers who made our 50th Year Reunion SUPERLATIVE! I had no doubt it'd be wonderful but it was beyond that. You prepared for and managed so many details from name tags, programs, photos, balloons, a memorial table with candles, a wonderful video presentation. a raffle with prizes, groovy music, get-togethers, a fabulous meal, Bischoff's treats brought to us, a marvelous tour of THS -- wow! -- it looks splended, 2 meaninglul gifts from the best Class ever (you can still give, folks, esp to the scholarship fund for Teaneck students), rooms at 2 facilities, and on and on.

Although the organizers got little sleep, I wish the Reunion had gone for 2 more days so I could have talked with everyone I wanted to and have met even more special classmates. I went on an informal tour of Teaneck to see my old neighborhood (eeek, the changes!) and house and also the 'hoods where some meanful locations existed. Belinda Stokes held a book-signing for her new spiritual book (kudos!) at the Hackensack Barnes and Noble so my roommate whom I've  known since elementary school, Barbara Rogers, and I were chauffered there by Randy Krakower and then enjoyed a marvelous lunch.
It is our classmates that made this 50th Reunion so amazingly special for me. Bottom line -- we had an incredible, diverse, talented, and downright nice Class! But it takes MUCH work to pull such an event together. I was eager driving from Arlington, VA and so happy returning home. Now to figure out where to post pix -- here and Facebook, I guess. And there will be a group photo. For those who could not go, I'm truly sorry you missed a tremendous event and hope you'll stay in touch via other means.
And I hope Andy and Gene get a month of rest! Thank you again!